English Language
Teaching & Learning

We have worked in the ELT sector for over 20 years, so if you need a market researcher who fully understands the market landscape and who just 'gets' all the terminology without having to explain it - you're in the right place.
We talk to teachers and learners about all aspects of English language teaching and learning, for a range of clients. Where we can we conduct the research in English, but we also have associates who can work in other languages to get deeper insights from those with a lower level of English proficiency.
Below are a few of examples of research projects in the ELT sector. If you have a project you would like our help with, please contact us.
Past projects
Research with English teachers to inform the development of new textbooks and teaching materials for a range of clients - from early years to adult
Interviewing English language learners about their experiences of using different learning apps to support the development of a new dictionary app
Conducting an online research community with English teachers from around the world on their opinions of digital assessment
Interviewing university admissions staff about their English language testing requirements
Carrying out an online discusson panel with English teachers in France to understand more about the needs of the French ELT market
Running focus groups with teachers to inform new testing and assessment products
Desk research into the corporate language learning market
Research with customers of a leading language learning brand to understand more about their language learning journey and recognition of different brands
Creating brand personas to inform marketing of an English qualification